What is a venture capitalist business?
A venture capitalist business is a business which is funded and backed by VC venture capitalist firms and an integrated system where these VC investors take equity stake in your company under a repayment system over a short period of years. The repayment system-This integration incurs the investors to have a voice in the direction of the company operations by holding a board seat at the company. VC backed firms normally invest in upstarts and youth staged business cycle companies which are promising machine vehicles which can create potential growth in the near future.
What is a security venture capitalist business?
A VC backed company integrated in the security model of services or consulting company. The model takes the form of a VC to encourage more early investors, finance and wealth of knowledge to grow the security upstart company.
Is a VC model an excellent model for my company?
A VC model is an excellent business model for upstarts who seek to find other alternative financial instruments away from the traditional banking and non banking financial lending institutions.
The model ensures that the founder puts in the sweat equity to make it a workable product. Thus producing high performers within their market space.
Is a VC model an excellent model for my company located in a developing country, state or province?
Yes! It encourages innovation and creativity in the market space it resides in. It also enhances other business prospects to better their quality of value products and services.
Is a VC model riskier than other business models?
Yes! Like all other business models designed to target financiers and investments; whether designing a business model for business angels financing or a banking institution in a mature business cycle, all adds up to uncertain risks.
To avoid certain risks the founder must possess industry knowledge, mentorship, winning team players and is motivated to endure the rigors of failure in order to build a perfect VC model.
Is APG a VC model?
Yes we are and we choose this model because as an upstart also it is crucial to get some of the best industry leaders to share insider insights in building a new frontier concept of the security industry; not so much their finances.
The theme of our business is to revolutionize the security industry in many corners of the world; especially developing countries.
Why should I invest time & resources in APG?
APG has done the market research of territories all over the world and the problems currently faced in the national security context in each country under study.
Our case study has thus landed on ESG investing and how essential this new type of financial instrument can assist new upstarts in their journey towards longevity.
Also, we aim to ensure that your business does not become insolvent in its early years as our portfolios must reach their intended target to become a company branded for at least one merger or acquisition stage.
What’s next after signing up to any of APG plan / programs?
As each plan is individually intended to target specific needs of our customers it still follows a general process of :
- A congratulation email to our new partnership
- A meeting & greeting consultation forum
- Offer
- Closure
- Preparation for distribution of package
- Commit
What does E.T.E mean in the starter plan?
This training is targeted to give upstart technological awareness about cost effective measures one can take to keep the first few years sustainable with less capital expenditures.
Are your plans reasonable?
Yes they are reasonable to the upstart, young and mature stage security companies or companies with security departments. And more detail would be announced and shared once the plan is selected. APG looks at the total value of our customer more so than the upfront fee or consultant fee attached to our services.
Is APG a coaching and mentoring business?
APG has specific targeting plans for customers who want to see a major difference in how far a security company can go, financially. We can do this! Build a business which can scale!
Our SQI plan is the only plan where coaching and mentorship takes place. All other plans are TEAM building plans; where we work with the organizational teams (board, supervisors, departments, units) via a non-coaching platform but by being the security guru to create real life solutions to cease their problems.
What is the difference between APG services and other consulting firms?
The founder has extensive market knowledge about the security industry in most developing states and is a contributor of many books on business performance integration in the private security sector, specifically targeting their market performance.
The founder recently began the IRIS project to find solutions via market investigation in improving the many obstacles preventing private security growth in these territories. Added to the multiple field & operational experience makes the architect behind APG a prime candidate to assist you in your entrepreneurial journey.
What is the IRIS project & is my company part of this project?
Yes we have identified that there exist 5 fundamental problems which affect innovation and creativity in the security sectors: cost of crime, militarization of the police system & its private security affiliates, the security state, sustainability employment & development and powers of the uniforms.
The bedrock of APG foundation rests on this project and its importance rests on the immediate transition of the existing security sector and the introduction of a more sustainable security model to boost foreign investor confidence and scale local security companies globally.
It is our strategy to create a better solution oriented upstart process to feed new prospects; especially to our new upstarts and those in need of merging in their mature or exit stage.
What type of startups do APG focus on to be their business advisors?
APG consulting seeks to work with upstarts who want to innovate their sector from the traditional brick and mortar physical security model. We look for upstarts who seek to penetrate their market sector from a technological strategy.
Technological security companies like SaaS, RaaS, cyber and information security, drone technology, aerial defense, ground surveillance, satellite surveillance for commercial use and national security cyber access & intrusion network controls.
What is SQITT?
SQI is an all resource and only resource learning body for security startups to have the needed networking, coaching and mentorship access to begin their security entrepreneurial journey. SQITT follows the mandate of APG Ltd as it is a source product to inhibit new development infrastructures in modeling all security companies into SaaS, cyber security and network security business models especially in developing countries.